Top 5 Quarantine Exercises

As the weeks drag on, you’ve probably run your course of exercise variety within your weekly workouts. While exercise variety is usually vastly overrated, it does effectively combat boredom with workouts. At this point, you’re most likely extremely bored going through the various routines you’ve developed- possibly even resulting in you skipping workouts or just completely skimping on intensity.

Basic movement patterns such as, squats, deadlift variations, presses and rows, should still be the focal point of your workouts. However, here are 5 exercises that are tremendous accessory moves, that you may not have tried yet. You also need minimal equipment and space to perform them, and they will provide a little extra pep in your workouts this week!

#1 [DB] Lunge Matrix

If you have weights- even if they’re light- this sequence will absolutely light your legs on fire and get your heart pumping! This is one of my favorite lower half moves- outside of quarantine as well. The sequence consists of a front lunge, side lunge and reverse lunge, before going right back into your next front lunge on the same side. I usually do between 4 and 6 (depending on weight) of each before I move onto the next side. Be sure to take your time with the move and put a great emphasis on posture. To take it to the next level, hit a “ghost tap” when you bring your feet back together. This will put a premium on balance and also keep incredible tension on your working leg.

*PRO TIP- Pair this exercise with a Straight Bear Crawl and your quads and glutes will be on FIRE!

#2 Push-Up w/ Lateral Crawl

Normally this would be considered a supplementary upper body move- with a weighted press taking priority- however, if you don’t have an access to weights, this push-up variation will provide you with a tremendous amount of upper body work. Not to mention, you’ll also be working your core, balance, coordination and legs as well! The key here is taking your time with the initial move. Tempo-wise, your push-up should be explosive, while your lateral walk should be smooth. The crossover step should only happen with your hands, as your feet just step laterally.

Initially, you’ll find this move to be disjointed, however, eventually try to smooth out the move so you step with your hands and feet simultaneously. I feel this move spices up the traditional push-up because you’re getting significantly more time under tension for your shoulder stability and core. Depending on your ability you should perform between 3 and 10 reps each side.

**If you can’t do a perfect push-up, don’t force it! Just focus on the hand walk- being in push-up position with lateral body movement will still be a great challenge!

#3 [DB] Swing Lunge

Another lunge variation that will absolutely smoke your quads, glutes and hamstrings is the Swing Lunge. If you have light dumbbells, they will be plenty! Just body-weight is also a great challenge as well! Not only are you hitting 2 different lunge variations in the same set, but there’s also a huge balance component as well.

Be sure to focus on “pushing off” your front heel on the Front Lunge and “pulling through” your front heel on the Reverse Lunge. If you can, get in front of a mirror to perform this one, and make sure your knee tracks right in line with your toes at all time (always train to avoid knee valgus- the caving of the knee inward). Take this move to the next level, by not letting your foot tap in the middle. I’d recommend performing about 5-12 reps per side, depending on if you have weights. For a body weight challenge, try performing 30 seconds each side with minimal rest in between!

# 4 Glute Bridge Alternating DB Chest Press

With minimal equipment and minimal space, getting “bang for your buck” exercises can be challenging. Even if you only have light dumbbells, the Glute Bridge Alternating DB Chest Press certainly qualifies as a high value exercise. In addition to working your chest, you are also working your shoulder stabilizers (by alternating), your core and your legs. Be sure to keep your hips up-but not to the point that your lower back arches- with maximal glute activation throughout the movement. As you alternate your press, be sure to maintain a neutral torso, as you work your abs anti-rotationally. Depending on the weights you have available, 6-15 reps each side will be a solid working set.

*PRO TIP- If you have a band, pre-exhaust your “pressing muscles” with Band In Fronts and Behinds prior to your Glute Bridge Presses.

#5 Bear Crawl Position Renegade Row

This is another move that even if you only have “light” dumbbells, will light up your back, shoulder stabilizers, core and legs. Start by assuming a bear crawl position, with shoulders over top your hands and hips over top your knees. Then simply grab a single dumbbell and start rowing. Make sure you maintain a neutral position with your spine and hips- the back is going to want to arch and the hips are really going to want to open up. Fight to keep your knees apart to maintain tension in your quads. As you row, think about pulling your elbow back towards your hip.

*PRO TIP- Perform a set of Band Pull Aparts prior to performing your Bear Crawl Position Renegade Rows, to make the move even more effective!

Final Thoughts

In order to keep your home workouts from becoming extremely stale, carefully begin tweaking exercise variety. Training out of your element (the gym) is challenging enough, however, now that we are almost 2 months in, you’re probably fighting various levels of boredom with the exercises and routines you’ve been completing. A great way to fight this boredom and stale feeling, is to look at implementing new exercises.

Be sure to always practice proper movement patterns, especially when you’re trying out “new moves.” If something doesn’t “feel” right, then it probably is not. When possible, do your new exercises in front of a mirror, or take a video of yourself. This will provide tremendous external feedback with whether you’re performing the move properly!

Continue to stay safe and healthy!

Yours in Fitness and Health,


Your Final Reward Will Be Heartache and Tears, If You’ve Cheated the Guy in the Glass.